Sunday, July 24, 2011

Experiment with Toon Shader

My experience with the Toon Shader within Unity hasn't been the most pleasant. I decided to look up ways to simulate this through exterior means. Here's pretty much the idea I had for what the game's objects will possess. I intend for simple colors, dark outlines and an overall 'drawn' look to the game.

I have yet to try to import this to Unity.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Red Red Dragon

Decided to hold off of 'Monster' until I finish the remake of the Shoot'em'Up I created back in my first year called 'Dora the Menstrul' dragon. Apparently that was an inappropriate title, so now its remake is called 'Red Red Dragon'. 'Cause its a dragon and its red.

Anyway the fundamental rules remain the same - one dragon, lots of dudes flying around, on the ground and other stuff to just burn away. Here's a better description:

Title: Red Red Dragon
GamePlay Style: Shoot'Em'Up/Platformer/Puzzler
Player View: Side Screen + Birds Eye (Changes Accordingly)
Controls: Mouse/Mouse + Keyboard/Keyboard
Game Play:

The Game essentially is just burning things and accumulating as many point as possible. Points are earned by destroying enemies, objects and achieving certain 'feats' which will multiply/add your points.
There are points in the game where the controls will change slightly and the player will be alternating between fighting on the ground and in the air. The controls
Acquiring upgrades will increase different aspects of the dragon and acquiring the same upgrade over and over will create an incremental effect. Collecting a different upgrade will reset the upgrade amount to the start.
Parts of the 'flying' stages will involve the player to strike on certain points of the gate in order to avoid dying.

Will upload a gameplay video later:

Currently Completed:

Basic Movement - Controls
Dragon Stats

Enemy Basic Movement
Enemy Spawning
Enemy Stats

Scrolling Stage
Alternating controls
Set Up basic level

Different Attack Modes (Upgrades As well)
Attacking Stats
Upgrades and Pick-Ups
Point System - Indicators included